Help:Vi keys sorted alphabetically

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The following list describes the meaning of each character that's used by the editor. Some characters have meaning in both command and insert mode; these are all described.

Vi keys can be split into the following functional groups (as marked here): movement operator other. Some keys result in entering insert mode.

Other lists like this on the net also exist:

Unassigned keys[edit]

The following keys have no assignment by default in vi. In insert mode, your termal's stty setting might assign a function to some of these control characters. All of these unassigned keys should be available for alias (macro) assignment.

Unassigned keys: ^A ^C ^I ^K ^O ^Q ^R ^S ^W ^X # * = K V g q v

Control keys[edit]

^B Move backward one screen.
^D Scroll the window down one half screen.
^E Scroll the screen up one line.
^F Scroll forward one screen.
^G Same as ":f" command. Displays file information.
^H (BS) Moves cursor left one space in command mode. In insert mode, erases the last character typed.
^J Move the cursor down one line.
^L Clear and redraw the screen.
^M (CR) Move to the first non-white character in the next line. In insert mode, a carriage return opens a new line for input.
^N Move the cursor down a line.
^P Move the cursor up a line.
^T Tag stack
^U Scroll the window up one half screen.
^V In insert mode, next character is taken literally
^Y Scroll the screen down one line.
^Z Stop vi (see shell job control)
^[ Escape cancels a pending command in command mode, and terminates insert mode.
^] Moves to the tag whose name is given by the word in which the cursor resides.
SPACE Move the cursor right on column.

Punctuation and number keys[edit]

@x execute commands in register x
! Operate on text by running a command over it; text becomes input to the command; output from the command replaces the text.
"x next yank or delete is saved in register x
$ Move to the end of the current line.
% Move to the parenthesis, brace or bracket ( ) { } [ ] matching the one at or after the current position.
^ Move to the first non-white on the current line.
& repeat the last search and replace on the current line (:s)
( Move back to the start of a sentence.
) Move forward to the start of the next sentence.
- Move to the first non-white character in the previous line.
+ Move to the first non-white character in the next line.
~ toggle case of letter under cursor and move to next character
_ (underscore) Move to the start of the line, or the nth line if given a count
` (backtick) Move to the character position of the given mark (or last context if doubled)
' (tick) Move to the line containing the given mark (or last context if doubled)
, (comma) Move reverse of the last t, T, f, or F command.
. Repeat the last edit command.
/ Start of a forward string search command. String searches may be optionally terminated with a closing slash. To search for a slash use '\/' in the search string.
0 Move to the start of the current line. Also used within counts.
1-9 Used to add 'count' prefixes to commands.
: Prefix character for "ex" commands.
; Move: repeat last t, T, f, or F command.
< left shift operator
> right shift operator
? (move) String search backwards (reverse of / )
[[ Move backward one C function.
]] Move forward one C function.
| Move to the column given by the preceding count.
{ Move backwards one blank line delimited paragraph
} Move forwards one blank line delimited paragraph

Uppercase letters[edit]

A Append at the end of the current line.
B Move backward one blank-delimited word.
C (insert) Change the rest of the current line.
D Delete the rest of the current line.
E Move to the end of a blank-delimited word.
F (Move) Find a character backward on the current line.
G Move (Go) to the given line number (end of file, by default).
H Move to the first non-white char. on the top screen line.
I Insert before the first non-white char. on the current line.
J Join two lines.
L Move to the first non-white char. on the bottom screen line.
M Move to the first non-white char. on the middle screen line.
N Reverse the last string search.
O Open a new line above the current line, and start inserting.
P Put the yank/delete buffer before the current cursor position.
Q quit vi and go to ex mode (type vi to come back)
R Replace characters until esc is typed
S Change entire current line (insert)
T (Move) Reverse search 'upto' the given character.
U Undo all (recent) changes on current line
W Move forward one blank-delimited word.
X Delete one character before the cursor.
Y Yank the current line. Same as 'yy'.
ZZ Exit from the editor, saving changes if necessary.

Lowercase letters[edit]

a Append text after the cursor.
b Move back one word.
c change operator (insert)
d delete operator
e Move to the end of a word.
f (move) Find a character on the current line.
h Move left one column.
i Insert text before the cursor.
j Move down one line.
k Move up one line.
l Move right one column.
m Set a mark at the current position (e.g. ma or mb).
n (move) Repeat the last string search.
o Open a new line and start inserting text.
p Put the yank/delete buffer after the cursor.
r Replace a character (count replaces several with one character repeated)
s Replace characters (use count to replace several, enters insert mode)
t Move forward 'upto' the given character on the current line.
u Undo the last edit.
w Move forward one word.
x Delete the character under the cursor.
y yank operator
z Redraw the screen with the current line at the top (zRETURN), the middle (z.), or the bottom (z-).