Help:Remote file copy

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The following tools can help with copying files between systems:

This list is not exhaustive.

Remote vs. local[edit]

All of these tools have a concept of a "local" machine and "remote" machine. The local machine is the machine you are running the command on. For command line tools, the remote machine is specified by putting a hostname before a : character.

Note that you can not copy from a server to a desktop as the server can't reach out and push the file to your desktop. So you must run the copy command on your local computer.

So, for instance, you could run on your windows machine at the command prompt (cmd or power shell):

scp hello.c 

and it will put the file in your home directory on eustis.

It may be easier to use winscp or mobaXterm if you can't get this working.


No such file or directory
This indicates that either the source or target does not exist and/or can't be created.